Tuesday 19 March 2013

We dry your rugs fast

Here at Plymouth Rug Cleaning we dry your rugs very quickly.

Why do we do this? Sometimes dyes in rugs are not stable, which means they bleed.

The main colours that bleed tend to be reds blue and greens in my experience.

Bleeding or dye migration happens because there is excess dye in the rug, so when water is introduced to the rug the excess will mix in with the water and run. When the rug is then dried the colour that has run will dye the colour it lands on. Lets say the red in a rug bleeds onto the white area of the rug. The red will then stain that white area red.

That is why we always test the dyes in your rug before cleaning and then dry the rug flat on the floor ( sometimes upside down) and use airmovers and our batwing on them.

As you can see from the photos we can dry many rugs as one time using this process.


  1. I like that you explained why it is necessary to quickly dry rugs. I would just like to add that prolonged drying and heat causes bad bacteria to grow and causes a musty odour to occur. Also when a rug has a cotton foundation the longer it is wet the more likely it can breakdown after it dries and cause dry rot to the rug. And having your rug fall apart is not what you want to see.
    Keep up the great posts Captain Rug Wash!!

  2. Looks very effective to me.. I am thinking of cleaning rugs very soon and for this I will hire Carpet Cleaning Gold Coast services..

  3. I am thinking of cleaning rugs very soon

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